The Cycles of Favour
Beauty attracts favour, talents sustains it but character retains favour. Confidence will boosts it arrogance repels favour while pride destroys it. “Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins”-Esther 2:17 (beauty attracting favour). “But Mordecai found out about the plot and told Queen Esther, who in turn reported it to the king, giving credit to Mordecai”-Esther 2:22 (Esther sustained her favour with King Xerxes because she was tactful to give him the right information but she retained and increased the favour she had with Mordecai by refusing to take credit for the discovery. She had enough good character to give the credit to Mordecai.
Reno Omokri is the pastor of the Mind of Christ Christian Center and the author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God.