I Change Not
I beg to disagree with those that say that what made America great is her diversity. I am convinced that if anything made America great, it can be summarized in this statement ‘One Nation Under God’! With recent events, it is understandable that people are getting carried away by emotions, excitement, media hype and culture. All of these things are always in a state of flux. Doctors advise that when you are experiencing motion sickness, one of the best cures is to fix your gaze on something stable. The stability of that object in the face of the motion around you will keep you centered. emotions, excitement, media hype and culture are causing motion sickness. One Nation Under God presupposes that it is God who sets the standard. While we are seeing all kinds of change around us, before we celebrate, let us pause and consider Malachi 3:6 “I am the LORD, I change not”!
Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center and author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God, and the new book Why Jesus Wept available from Barnes and Noble, amazon and other fine book stores.
You are invited to follow Reno on Twitter @renoomokri.