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Applied Truths Set you Free

Reno Omokri's Book Launch 8Jesus never said you shall know the truth and knowledge of the truth shall make you free. What He said is “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”-John 8:32. It sounds like the same thing but wisdom is the ability to discern differences. For instance, the kingdoms of this world through advertising glamorize cigarette smoking. But in actual fact, smoking cigarettes can kill you. But you never hear an advert advertising death, they advertise pleasure when in fact they are really selling death. So, imagine that you are addicted to cigarettes and then you find out that you were lied to in Ads and in fact cigarettes causes cancer, that knowledge does not automatically cure your addiction. You need to apply the knowledge you know by breaking that addiction before you are set free. If you know the truth about cigarettes but you continue to consume them any way…… Thus, you shall know the truth, but only when you apply the truth will it set you free. Thus Christianity is not in what you know, but in what you practice. Our freedom depends not on what we know of the Words of God and of His Christ but on what we practice.


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