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Investments Make you Stable

pic3In Matthew 6:21 Jesus said “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. This verse was made very plain to me today as I read about the bomb that killed people in a city called Kano. Many of those killed are not natives of Kano. There have been many bomb blasts before this incidence. But many non natives find it difficult to leave. Why? Because they have assets and are heavily invested in Kano. So even with the situation, their commitment to Kano is still strong. Their treasure is there, so their heart is as well. Let’s learn  a spiritual lesson from this tragedy. Some believers easily backslide and return to the world because they are not so invested in the Kingdom of God. They have not “store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” as Matthew 6:20 says. They have not committed their FINANCES and TIME (the only two ways you can show love for God in this material realm) for the Kingdom of God. Thus, when trials come, it is easy for them to backslide and leave the faith. Both those who are invested in the Kingdom wont leave easily. God bless you as you understand this message and God bless the survivors of Kano and grant the dead rest in Him in Jesus’ name.


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