Satan’s Trap: Ever Increasing Desire for Ever Diminishing Pleasure

Satan controls this world with the rat race which simply put is a law of Increasing Desire and Diminishing Pleasure so that from cradle to grave you spend your life pursuing after unattainable things. An example is fashion. Why do you think fashion always changes? Because it is unattainable. The moment you buy that $1000 Louis Vuitton bag, it is no longer fashion. The $1000 is gone and your next preoccupation will be to find another $1000 for next year’s bag that would no longer be fashionable as soon as you buy it. This is the same for cars, movies and power. If you are into football, your team cannot be champions for ever. You are either rooting for them to be Champions or your rivals are rooting for them to fall. The human appetite for change can never be satisfied which is why satan has used it to divert our attention from the ONLY thing that never changes-God and His Word. So, if you have fallen for satan’s rat race of ever increasing desire and ever reducing pleasure in life understand this-“The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”-John 10:10. And how do you get the John 10:10 life? “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”-Matthew 6:33