The Purpose for Man’s Creation.

In our relationship with God, we should not confuse pleasure with love. God loves everybody in equal measure. In fact, it has been noted that it is not possible to get God to love you more than He already does. However, God is not pleased with everybody. He is only pleased with those who have reconciled with Him through His Son Yeshu’a (Jesus) the Christ. He is further pleased when we increase in the knowledge of God. He is most pleased when the way we live our physical lives reflect that knowledge. Why is it important to understand this distinction? Because God’s purpose for creating man was to receive pleasure from man “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”. You are not a failure in life if you don’t have material success and riches. However, your life is a failure if you get to the end of it without learning how to please God. You were not made to achieve fame and fortune. You were created for God’s pleasure. It is when you understand this purpose that “all these things shall be added unto you”,