Tomorrow Will Resolve Itself
Try to think about God today. Do it deliberately. The cares of this world will try to attach to your mind. The attention you give them is what gives them power over you. Proverbs 4:23 says all your issues flow from your heart.
So if you use your heart (your mind) to meditate on your bills and your worries, that is what will manifest in your life. Instead, think on God’s promises of provision such as Ps 37:4 and Matthew 6:33. The more you think on those things the more they manifest in your life. For instance, many times we think or talk about a person or a thing and they walk through the door and we say ‘I was just talking/thinking about you’.
Don’t marvel about such occurrences. They are just an actualization of Proverbs 4:23. Some people even say ‘talk of the devil and the devil appears’. Why not reverse that mentality and say instead ‘talk about Godly things and Godly things appear’. It is a principle. It works for good as well as for evil.
Spend so much time thinking about improving yourself through God’s words that you have no time left to think about the cares of this world or criticize yourself and others. You may then-what will happen to those cares if you don’t think about them? Hear Jesus’ answer-“do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself”-Matthew 6:34.