Transformation of Conformation
Romans 12:2 says “be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” because every information or action in this world either transforms or conform you. for instance, no one liked beer the first time they tried it, but the action of continuing in it causes you to acquire the taste hence conforming you to a beer drinker. Information that does not lead to transformation is entertainment. Are you allowing the Word of God entertain you or transform you? You can know and grow or you can groove and lose. God invented language (Genesis 11:7) and sometimes I suspect He plays with words. GROW for instance could mean Get Rich on the Word while LOSE could mean Lose Out Seeking Entertainment. Today there is an unprecedented focus on entertainment to the extent that humanity has crowded out God. Movies, music, football, sports and all such are meant to be an interlude, a side attraction to a life where God is the main attraction but alas we have flipped this order and made God a side attraction to them. Measure the time and passion you give to God and entertain and make a course correction if you love God.